Zodiac Game: Tarot Cards

A set of 12 tarot cards corresponding to the 12 zodiac signs. These cards were created for a collaborative project in which we designed a 2D roguelike ability-based platforming game. These 12 cards represent the abilities in the game which are awarded for liberating the 12 different bosses of the game.

The game centers around how people who are assigned female at birth equip themselves throughout their life to defend or work around the challenges that the patriarchy gives them. In doing this, we construct ideas, roles, and rules in which to follow which only reinforce the patriarchy. The more set in these rules we become the more ignorant we become to the changing society around us and progression becomes something conflicting and blurry. We abandon all we have known or we defend them.


Dame of Arcana: Concept Art


AUBSU Women’s History Month 2024